Sunday, September 28, 2008

Your Opinion Is Needed!

After a lot of deliberating in my brain I have decided to put out the possibility of using a different cover for Bombshell. This is because I am sort of rethinking the theme that I used with The Fight for Golden Dawn (black background with a framed photograph) simply because Golden Dawn has a sequel coming in a few years, and Bombshell is the first of a series of three, so perhaps their covers shouldn't match so much.

But ultimately, you are the consumer and you really decide these kind of things, so I ask you...Which of these covers would you be most likely to pick up at the book store? Which is most attractive? Your comments are appreciated and there is also a poll in the sidebar.

First we have the original, for voting purposes I will call it "belly."

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Next, I have one that I designed using some Creative Commons for Work licensed photos that I found, I will call this one "watching" in the poll.

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And this last one which I used more CC photos and a photo of my own, I stepped away from the dark covers and went with "white"

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Please help me decide which of these you like! Your help is appreciated!


tootall1121 said...

I still like Belly. It says a lot without being complicated.

Stacey said...

bah. blogger ate my comment. I prefer Belly. It's eyecatching.

Unknown said...

Another vote for Belly

Leah said...

Okay, I'm thinking belly too. The second one makes me think porn and the third one is just a little too busy. I think belly will draw peoples attention. You could make the book cover white with the belly to change it up a bit. Just a thought.

Cricky said...
