Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bombshell For $5

I have six copies of Bombshell which have defective covers as seen in this photograph:

The image “http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3645/3292746639_3c14203767.jpg?v=0” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

There was a problem at the printer and these books came out with no front cover picture, however all of the pages are correct and intact, so it is perfectly readable. I am selling these copies for $5 each to anyone who wants them, and I will sign them.

If you are interested please contact me at TeamTerwilliger at Gmail dot Com.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This Is My Paragraph

I received an email from someone who is reading Bombshell at the moment with the subject line "This is my paragraph."

Pasted into the email is a paragraph from the book:

“The first time I ever saw a dead baby it was a SIDS call. I’ll tell

you, I cried for three hours straight that night when I got home. They do

everything they can to desensitize you in the academy, but it’s not all

guns and donut shops like they make it seem on TV. Then these god

damned kids, and not just the teenagers, but little 10 year olds, they’ll call

you a pig and say ‘I smell bacon’ but when a man breaks into their home

and steals their X-Box, who will they call? That stuff rolls off your back,

but it’s really thankless, Marina. And you know what? I can’t see myself

doing anything else, ever. It’s all I ever wanted to do, since I was little I

knew that this was where I belonged.”

I replied, "Tell me why this struck you." She said, "It’s how I feel about the job my parents do and that I once did. It explains it to a T. The way you’re taught not to care about anything except protecting, serving and solving the case. But no human can go into a home where a baby has died and not feel emotion. No person likes being ridiculed only to have to help the backstabber in their time of need."

I love writing things that people can relate to so strongly. And it makes me happy to see that she completely got the point. It made my day.

Also there is an interview posted over here that you should really look at. I discuss both books and my writing process and such, it's pretty interesting. Have a look!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Hey, whatever this holiday means to you, the signs of love are everywhere. Literally. The Wal Marts are filled with puffy pink heart balloons and little old men wander around the flower displays confused and frightened because the selection has been picked dry, while younger gents seem to head for the largest stuffed teddy bear they can find. Oh what a day to be alive.

My husband and I aren't doing much, in fact we never really do anything for this "holiday." I used to go all out with my ex boyfriend in high school and even made him a realistic message in a bottle, which was a poem written on some paper that I crumbled up and rubbed in the dirt, I even singed the edges for added effect and filled the bottle with dried rose petals. He didn't appreciate it.

David and I are giving the gift of ukulele's to each other and we will be dining on filet mignon that I got for $7.99 a pound. Then there's some stuff that I can't tell you about here that will happen later.

Of course I don't always leave out the good parts. If you want sex scenes Bombshell's got them, so grab a copy and get your fix there. The best one I think starts on page 137. ;)

So happy love day, let me know in the comments section what you're doing! And if it stays blank, I know exactly what you all are doing and why you're too busy to come by and comment!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Q and A With Jessie Terwilliger

There's now a Goodreads discussion group where I am answering any and all questions about both Bombshell and Golden Dawn.

If you have not yet joined Goodreads.com I highly suggest that you do. It is a wonderful site for finding new things to read and organizing your books. This is my new Myspace.

Also, if you haven't gotten a copy of Bombshell yet, look in the sidebar here for the Buy It Now from Lulu button. Furthermore, both Bombshell and Golden Dawn are being offered directly from me autographed and signed with free shipping. It's all in the sidebar.

I'm trying to figure out some kind of gathering that can happen soon, I don't know when, I don't know where, but we will gather.

Thanks to everyone who came by and left nice comments or dropped me nice emails, they help me to keep going.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bombshell: Now Available At Lulu.com

Bombshell is on sale now.

I want to thank every one of my visitors today for stopping by, from those who have stuck with me through the years to my new friends from Goodreads and all of the other weird little corners of the internet that I hang out on. Please let me know you were here today in the comments section, even if you do not purchase a copy. I will be answering all comments, so feel free to throw any questions you may have my way.

Also, the first person to post their Lulu order number in the comments section will receive a personalized signed copy of Golden Dawn from me, so hurry up and post it! If I get a lot of order numbers posted, I may do drawings for more, so the more participation from you guys the better!

For my friends in other countries who are choosing to wait until the Amazon release to get a better deal on shipping, don't forget to say hello as well. Be a part of the party!

And now, a behind the scenes look at Bombshell. Tell me if you make it all the way through!

Thanks again to everyone from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't have done this without your encouragement and support. Don't forget to leave ratings and reviews on your favorite reading sites, and let me know if you blog about it or Twitter it or mention it anywhere else, it helps to promote the book.

Let's party!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Party On The Internet!

The release of Bombshell Wednesday morning at 12:01 Pacific time is going to be centralized right here. You'll not only be given the link to where you can buy your copy of Bombshell, but you'll be treated to a video of me talking about the book "behind the scenes" style.

Don't worry about staying up late, the party is going on all day long! The beauty of the internet is that you can be fashionably late by several hours and time zones!

Furthermore, the first person who can show me their Lulu order number proving that they bought Bombshell will be given an autographed copy of The Fight for Golden Dawn. If you already own the book, you'll get a $20 Amazon gift certificate instead.

(Just to let you know, I am also now selling autographed copies of Golden Dawn directly from my home through PayPal with free shipping. Click over on the sidebar for details. Autographed Bombshells to follow.)

There may be more prizes added on a whim depending on the level of interaction I get from the visitors here, so do be sure to comment and be social, let me know if you came by, if you purchased the book, or if you're waiting for the Amazon release to get cheaper shipping (which I completely understand.)

It's an online book release party and everyone's invited! So don't forget to stop by and say hello!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Girl Who Started It All

I have dedicated Bombshell to the lovely gal in the boots and fishnets down in front, for she is the inspiration for Marina, and the book as a whole.