Monday, January 19, 2009

Traffic vs. Traffic Contest

Another contest underway! This is the Traffic vs. Traffic contest and by participating you could win not only an autographed copy of Bombshell, but also a lovely "Bombshell" t-shirt made with Swarovksi crystals from Just Jen. From the Just Jen website:

You don't have to be a blond to be a bombshell! Our Bombshell t shirt is created with a cursive font t0 accentuate all your curves.

Made with Swarovksi crystal, the only crystal with 14 perfectly cut facets for the greatest sparkle. Select your crystal color.

100% cotton, made in USA.

You will have choice of both shirt color and crystal color (but may I recommend a black shirt with hot pink crystals for the full Jessie Terwilliger's Bombshell effect?) You may also choose your style and size.

So how do you win this fabulous shirt to wear while reading this fabulous book? You have two options.

  1. If you have a website or blog, link to and send as many people as you can over here. The traffic will be recorded through, and I will see each hit that comes in from your URL. The person with the most amount of hits coming from their site to mine will win.
  2. If you do NOT have a website or blog or you feel like this is a better option, direct some ACTUAL traffic to my site, and by that I mean cars, pedestrians, etc. How do you do that? Signs. The idea is to create a series of thought provoking signs along a stretch of road (be sure that you follow your city's laws in regards to putting up sign advertisements and that you don't upset your neighbors.) The first sign could say, "She wants to quit dancing." The second one, a few telephone poles or trees down could then say, "He wants to help her." After that, a sign that says "But can he be trusted?" with one final sign after that with the website's URL ( I want you to be as creative as possible, posting the signs in the most unique AND LEGAL place (nudist bridge? Heavily frequented park? In the same neighborhood as a strip club?) and send in a picture. Alternatively, you can order a free car magnet from for your vehicle if you have a daily commute or if your city has laws against signs. Pictures can be emailed to TeamTerwilliger At Gmail Dot Com.
Keep it safe and keep it legal. You have until February 1st. Go now!


Cricky said...


funny word verification - pronsych

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

No need to enter me, Jessie. I'm just letting you know I've got this posted for you at Win a Book.